WHAT A DAY! After a good night’s rest and the help of a taxi driver, we finally made it to University College Cork (UCC)! The second we were left on campus by our cab, I was left speechless. The mixture of modern and classic architecture and presence of students outside simply enjoying the day made me excited to join the community.

As we approached the Student Centre, we saw lots of bizarre costumes and students all gathering around speakers. At first I was extremely confused, up until the “Harlem Shake” came on and a video camera came out. I had aimlessly walked into UCC’s organized Harlem Shake video. If you are unfamiliar with the Harlem Shake, just know it is a viral video sensation. If I find the video recorded, I will be sure to post it up.

(I thought I had dodged that nonsense when I flew out of Newark… Oh the power of the Internet)

Pete Marcano @marcano